Monday, October 19, 2009

Call Process

I haven't posted much lately, and I haven't done an update on the call process at all. It's partly because, well, I hate the call process. (I know! Don't say hate!) And maybe hate is too strong a word, but I do find the process frustrating. It's a communication thing, in that call committees most often suck in that department. I've had 2 interviews so far, and 2 rejections. To be fair, the 2nd time was great with communication, but the first time the committee didn't call or e-mail for 3 weeks until they finally (only after I contacted them first) called to tell me they weren't moving forward with me as a candidate. Just call and break up with me already! So, yes, I find it frustrating, and it's probably better that I don't update on a regular basis and vent. At any rate the process is still, um...processing. I meet with another Senior Pastor next week (and no, I'm not only looking for an associate call, it's just what's come up so far), so we'll see how that goes. In the meantime the new interim starts here on November 1st, so it will be another transition. I'm looking forward to having another person on staff, but not necessarily looking forward to the transition. The office manager asked me last week, "is he going to tell us what to do?" Well, yeah, he is. Let's just hope he's nice about it...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday Five--Shoes!!!

Too often the Friday Fives I offer up seem extremely introspective, so here's something that could be fun. I notice as I finish my sixth decade that my taste in footwear is much different than when I was younger, as comfort wins out over fashion. So look at your feet and think about what you put on them!
1. What is your favorite footwear at this time in your life?
I definitely have shoes that I wear because they are comfortable and practical, but I LOVE shoes, and they're usually fun and less than practical. I think right now my favorites would be either my black or brown boots that I wear with skirts. During the summer I love my Keens, but also have a variety of fun sandals. Probably my absolute favorite, though, would be the patent leather red pumps I wore for my ordination.
2. What was the craziest shoe, boot, or sandal you ever wore?
I had some suede shoes in high school that were patchwork. They were navy, hunter green and fuchsia. I loved them. But looking back they were pretty crazy.
3. What kind of shoes did you wear in your childhood?
Purple jelly shoes!
4. How do you feel most comfortable? Barefoot, flip-flops, boots, or what?
I'm one of the rare people who detests flip flops. I just hate that thing between my toes. As for comfort, despite my love of shoes I also love to be barefoot. Shoes come off as soon as I'm home, and I frequently have them off at work. If they're easy to kick off I also prefer to preach barefoot.
5. What kind of socks do you like, if any?
Oooh, fuzzy socks are the best.
Bonus: Anything you want to share about feet or footwear.
My sister just told me I have more shoes than God. Which is probably true since I imagine God doesn't really need shoes. I definitely have an addiction. It's kind of a running joke at church. People now pay attention to what shoes I'm wearing, and generally comment more on my footwear than on my sermons. Not sure if that's good or bad...