Sunday, July 20, 2008

More Camp Stuff

Well, despite having to wake up to that "awful" view every day, this past week at camp went really well. I was a bit leery about going because they fit me in kind of last minute, I didn't have any kids there that week (well, one from our church, but she was off-site for the week), and I wasn't assigned a time to do worship. So I wasn't sure exactly how the week would go, if I would be bored, or what. There were 7 other pastors there, so I knew I'd have plenty of people to hang out with, but I wasn't sure about the rest of the week. It turned out that it was a nice time. I did a lot of walking, which was great, and very helpful in getting my pants to hopefully fit again in the near future. I helped another pastor with worship on Wednesday morning. We did a puppet show, which was a lot of fun (at least for me, and hopefully for the kiddos as well). I helped with the hunger drama, and I did one of the pastor hot seats. The easiest question to answer was "what is your favorite color?" Some of the harder ones were "why did Jesus have to die on the cross" and "why didn't God send Jesus sooner instead of doing mean things in the Old Testament like the plagues?" I had a fabulous fellow pastor with me for the hot seat session, though, and I think we did an OK job of answering the questions. So the week went well, but at church this morning it felt like I'd been gone for a month instead of a year. Why is that? Anyway, maybe I'll go to camp again next year. Maybe some kids from my church will even go with me.

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