Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday Morning Meanderings

I'm having a terrible time getting motivated this morning. So many things I should be doing, so many ways to procrastinate. A few thoughts for the day:
  • Last week I was told (in a roundabout way) that I'm not a "real" pastor, I'm just a girl
  • In a half-awake moment a couple of nights ago I got an idea for a children's book. It's not really even a half-baked idea, it's probably only an 1/8 baked, but I'm going to continue thinking about it and see if it leads anywhere.
  • Being an associate has its goods and bads: There are times when I love being able to defer because it's not my decision to make, but I hate when people "confide" in me their dissatisfaction with the senior pastor.
  • My neighbors NEED to move their headboard a couple inches away from the wall...

1 comment:

k-bomb said...

"Pastors with out Penises" That has such a great ring to it!

And as for the neighbors...that's just hilarious!