Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just in Time for Christmas

I threw away the Thanksgiving leftovers today. Yes, I realize that Thanksgiving was several weeks ago, and I've been meaning to clean the fridges for awhile now. First I was waiting for garbage day since 7 people and a business create a lot of garbage and our dumpster was full. Garbage day came and went and the dumpster remained full. Turns out the bill hasn't been paid so we have no garbage service (this is a whole other problem in itself as there are control issues around paying the bills). At any rate, the brother went to the dump today, creating some much needed space in the dumpster, so I got the joy of cleaning out all of the leftovers and scraping out mold from all of the containers. Did I mention that I'm cranky these days? So I tried to find the grace in this particular bit of chaos, but I'm not entirely sure what it is. I suppose it's nice that we now have refrigerator room in time for Christmas stuff....

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