Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Five--Moving

This week's Friday Five is timely as it's all about moving, and I'm about to (hopefully) do that once again:

1. How many times have you moved? When was the last time?
From 15 months to almost 21 I didn't move at all. Since then (so 12 years) I've moved 19 times. Yikes.

2. What do you love and hate about moving?
I hate the part of packing where it's no longer possible to be logical. There are always things left over that just don't fit into my packing system. I love packing books, though. It's like a puzzle, which probably makes me a giant freak. :-) I also dislike finding everything new in the new place: doctors, hair stylist, friends, entertainment, etc.

3. Do you do it yourself or hire movers?
I've always done it myself, with the help of friends and family.

4. Advice for surviving and thriving during a move?
Take the opportunity to get rid of stuff. If you haven't worn/used it in the last year or two, give it away. I also always have one box that I pack with stuff that I get out and put up right away in a new place, just to make it feel more at home and homey.

5. Are you in the middle of any inner moves, if not outer ones?
Inner moves? Hmm...I've been in a bit of a rut lately, but I'm (hopefully) going to move in the next couple of weeks, so that should help with the being in a rut.

1 comment:

k-bomb said...

This is a good one! I'm going to steal it.