Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Own, Personal Corner

A friend of mine asked me the other day if I was starting to get nervous about all of the details that need to be taken care of in the next month. At the time I was thinking, "nah, it's not a problem, " and I was actually feeling really calm about the upcoming move, new job, and planning my ordination. On Sunday after I found out about the vote I spent the rest of the day in a state of giddiness, walking around with a big, silly smile on my face. Then came yesterday, and all of the reality of the details came crashing down. Oh, wow, I have to move, but first I have to find a place to live, then move, then start a new job, and I'm still supplying these last 2 weekends in April, so I need to write sermons, and the ordination needs to be planned (that alone contains about 3 million details). All of the details are now swimming around in my brain like so many crazed minnows, darting too and fro, and constantly inviting friends. So, KAG, in answer to your question, yes, I'm starting to have the urge to curl up in the fetal position in a corner somewhere and whimper. Anyone care to join me?

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