Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sunday School & Confirmation & Youth Group, Oh My!

This Sunday is Rally Day here (and a lot of other places, too, I know), so as the staff person who is "in charge" of these things I've been working on getting things set up. Meetings with teachers and figuring out schedules, meeting with the Senior Pastor, etc. Overall I'd say it's going pretty well. And yet I keep having waves of panic strike at various moments. It's my first year, and I'm not sure what I'm doing a lot of the time, but I have good people that I'm working with, and for the most part I think everything will be fine. Doesn't shut up that voice in the back of my head that keeps whispering about failure, though. So I'll do a puppet show on Sunday and preach about Rally Day and upcoming ministries and register kiddos for Sunday School and Confirmation, and go to a picnic, do what I can to make the day and the education year the best it can be. Wish me luck!

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