Saturday, March 22, 2008

Holy Saturday

So, here I sit, waiting for Jesus to come out of the tomb. OK, that sounds really irreverent, but I've felt like Holy Saturday is a really weird sort of limbo. I KNOW that we will be proclaiming the promises of the resurrection tomorrow. I know how the story ends. And yet last night we read the Passion and left Jesus in the tomb. Today is always a strange mix of joy and sorrow, of looking forward and looking back. I'm not explaining it very well, but there you have it. In good news, my sermon for tomorrow is almost done, and my worship prep is done. I have prayers and a children's sermon, and I actually got organized this week and did things ahead of time so today wouldn't be quite so crazy. Now, if I can just make it through tomorrow without hearing that oh-so-Lutheran phrase of "we've NEVER done it that way before!," I'll count myself lucky.

1 comment:

k-bomb said...

the good news is that your sermon is done? I thought the good news is that Jesus rose from the grave?! Where have I been!
Ah, Easter! I tell you something, this is the best time of year:)
I hope people keep telling you that they've never done things the way you do them more often, even if it's annoying. It gives me hope. I preached a few weeks ago and people are still telling me that I'm a breath of fresh air. Ok, I get it already!