Thursday, March 5, 2009


Last night I presided at communion. Not uncommon as SP and I switch every week. He preaches, I preside, and vice versa. Worship was going along fine, I did the words of institution, we prayed the Lord's Prayer, and then I started doing communion instructions. For some reason these trip me up a lot, but usually I do fine and make it through. For Lent we are doing communion by intinction, so I was doing the instructions for that. Made it through the first part fine, but then I started to say which chalices had wine and which had grape juice. I looked at the chalices that have grape juice and the only word I could think of was "pottery." I paused, looked at them, then looked at SP. He said "ceramic," so I went with that. Then I moved on to the wine, which was in the metal pouring chalices, and once again my brain went blank. So I just said the "non-ceramic chalices." Then I started to giggle, and several members of the congregation started to giggle, and I couldn't stop. The rest of communion instructions went down hill from there. I just kept giggling until I was done. I always say there should be joy in the sacrament, but this was a little ridiculous!

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