Sunday, March 15, 2009


This morning at first service we processed as usual. Normally in front of the altar we have a credence table with glasses for wine, glasses of grape juice and gluten-free wafers on it. During Lent we are communing by intinction, so no need for glasses. Instead of leaving the table we now have a smaller stand that just has the gluten-free wafers. My whole system must have been out of whack because as I turned to go sit down I smacked right into the darn stand and knocked if over, sending wafers flying everywhere. Oh yes, it was such a lovely way to start the service. As if that weren't enough, during communion I leaned over to hand a chalice to one of the acolytes and as I did the whole altar slid forward. I'm the only one who noticed it, but we've rearranged so the altar is right out at the front of the platform it sits on. Oh yeah, that's just what I needed to bookend the service, shoving the whole altar over. Fortunately that didn't happen and between services I scootched it back several inches to hopefully avoid any possibility of that in the future. And I think I'm going to have quite the lovely bruise on my foot from the whole smacking and knocking over adventure. Apparently the honeymoon is over. I was doing so well at being all professional and non-klutzy (and dare I say, demure?) up front, but after today and last week's giggling fest I guess the real me has been revealed. I am such a dork. Sheesh. And I think it might be contagious. After church I went grocery shopping and the checker accidentally lost control of one of my yogurt cartons and it went smashing to the ground. Gloop, and yogurt everywhere. Maybe I'm cursed.


k-bomb said...

Yes, you're cursed. You should move to England with all the witches.

ktjhawk said...

Ah yes...I can see it all in my mind! :-) You made it further than I did. Beginning of month four, I was wheeling the Wednesday eve "altar" out of the way, hit a corner of the chancel, sending everything flying and breaking one chalice. Good times!