Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Day in the Life

Here is an overview of my day: I did 7 loads of laundry; unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher twice; took out bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen garbages; changed sheets; fed, changed, played with the baby, put the baby down for naps; played silly games with the 4 year old niece; tried to give attention to the 4 year old niece while the baby fussed and demanded to be held almost non-stop because she is getting teeth; thought longingly of a nap because I have a head cold that is making me tired; I still need to clean the bathroom, but that's not unusual since I do that 3 or 4 times a week as it is. All in all it was a pretty good day, and I got a lot done, but my question is this: when did I become a housewife? Please don't misunderstand me,I'm not saying anything against housewives, I have a lot of respect fop people (both men and women) who take care of home and family. But usually there is a process to get to this point: marrying or moving in with someone, say. Being pregnant or adopting children, for istance. I suddenly just seem to be the housewife without any of the other, intervening steps. It can be a little disconcerting. In other, more random news, I have the Veggie Tales theme song stuck in my head...

1 comment:

k-bomb said...

sweet and sour, half and hour, gotta be...

Yeah, sounds like you need a job...why, God, why!?!?!

Just imagine what it will be like when you work full time and do all of those things? YIKES!