Sunday, December 7, 2008

Slight Panic

Tonight was the Sunday School Christmas program. 2 of our college kids wrote and directed it, and everyone did a great job. The kids were so cute! I had a moment, though. I got to church wearing jeans and a black sweater. I thought I looked fine. Then SP showed up, still in his collar from this morning and I had an immediate flash back to internship. It wasn't a full-blown panic attack but I definitely had a moment. The sweater isn't even low cut or in any way inappropriate and my brain still geared up for someone to yell at me. I'm eagerly anticipating the day when this isn't going to be my first reaction to anything that might make me think of internship. Sigh.
In other news, thank you to everyone who has offered up prayers for my sister this week. The surgery went well and she is doing better than she anticipated. We're hoping recovery will continue going just as smoothly and the 3 year old won't make too many demands on mama while she recovers.

1 comment:

k-bomb said...

Ok, panicking about things that happened on internship sucks. It makes me want to write a nasty letter to the church. HA HA!! Or maybe I'll just stick it to them in another way...I'll become a pastor:)