Monday, December 15, 2008

This Week's Horoscope

Oh my:
aries (Mar. 21st-Apr. 20th)You're hot like New York City salsa and bursting with "flavor" like a bag of tortilla chips just begging to be opened. It will be difficult to hide the way you feel. Men: avoid tight pants; women: wear underwear, especially at functions where your animal urges won't be all that well received (e.g., the office water cooler and your house of worship). However, all's fair at late night dance clubs and holiday office parties--hell, go to those naked for all we care.
So many inappropriate comments I could make about going commando at church...


Amy said...

Wow Sarah! That's a pretty interesting horoscope. Let us know how it pans out!

SHMT said...

Oh, I can already tell you there won't be any panning out, but I like that the possibility is out there in the universe. :-)